
GNU/Linux related.


The disktemp script can output and notify disk devices temperatures (reading SMART data) on a GNU/Linux system. The script output disk devices temperatures (echoing smartctl — so you do not need other tools or deamons such as hddtemp) and send a notification (using notify-send) when the temperature is over its limit. Outputs and notifies could […]

mdalerts, mdcheck

Here below are two useful Bash scripts to monitor mdadm software RAIDs on a GNU/Linux system. The mdalerts script is intented to output events detected by mdadm –monitor, thus it should be set in the PROGRAM line of the mdadm.conf file in order to be run by mdmadm. Arguments are passed by mdmadm. When mdadm […]


The hddetach script is a Bash script to safely detach (umount+sync+stop) an external hard disk on a GNU/Linux system. The only argument $1 must be the label of a volume (partition) in the hard disk (e.g. MYDATA) which is mounted on the file system. The script gets the device path (e.g. /dev/sdb) of the disk […]

GNU IceCat 14.0.1 prebuild binaries tarball

A tarball containing the prebuild binaries of GNU IceCat 14.0.1, compiled by me for a GNU/Linux i386 system based on Debian stable, is available at the GNU IceCat downloads page of this site. Language files should be available at the Gnuzilla FTP site: Also see how to install GNU IceCat tarballs. Enjoy!

GNU IceCat 13.0.1 prebuild binaries tarball

A tarball containing the prebuild binaries of GNU IceCat 13.0.1, compiled by me for a GNU/Linux i386 system based on Debian Squeeze, is available at the GNU IceCat downloads page of this site. Language files should be available at the Gnuzilla FTP site: Also see how to install GNU IceCat tarballs. Enjoy!

GNU IceCat 10.0 prebuild binaries tarball

A tarball containing the prebuild binaries of GNU IceCat 10.0, compiled by me for a GNU/Linux i386 system based on Debian Squeeze, is available at the GNU IceCat downloads page of this site. Also see how to install GNU IceCat tarballs. Enjoy!

How to install GNU IceCat tarballs

To install a generic prebuild binaries tarball package just unpack it in a folder (which is usually already defined decompressing the file itself) and copy or move it (also renaming it if necessary) in a suitable position, usually into your /home directory or in the /opt system directory. Might also be necessary to change the […]

GNU IceCat 9.0.1 prebuild binaries tarball

A tarball containing the prebuild binaries of GNU IceCat 9.0.1, compiled by me for a GNU/Linux i386 system based on Debian Squeeze, is available at the GNU IceCat downloads page of this site. Enjoy! Update: Also see how to install GNU IceCat tarballs.

References for SlimGnewsense

The SlimGnewsense theme is now also available at the official theme’s page of the SLiM (Simple Login Manager) project website. More, the artwork section of the gNewSense website has now a page about SlimGnewsense.

Screenshot SlimGnewsense

SlimGnewsense (a SLiM theme for gNewSense)

I have developed SlimGnewsense a quite simple and light SLiM theme for gNewSense (a fully free GNU/Linux distribution). SLiM (Simple Login Manager) is a desktop-independent graphical login manager for X. It aims to be light and simple, although completely configurable through themes and an option file; is suitable for machines with low hardware resources and/or […]