After a long time… still alive and back here!
fSimpleX 3.0
fSimpleX version 3.0!
Until August 2011, NoBlogs.org was using the LifeType blogging platform. So this blog was using fSimpleX, a free (GNU GPLv3) template for the LifeType blogging platform by al3xu5/dotcommon (based on the fSimple theme by Fredrik Fahlstad).
The fSimpleX 3.0 template I was using is available at the fSimpleX downloads page of this site.
Release notes (fSimpleX 3.0, 17/06/2010):
- Layout fully revisited and code optimized! Now pages have a liquid 2 columns right-menu layout which comes with a lot of improvements:
- percentage widths
- no CSS hacks
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) friendly (the the left-hand main page comes first, then the right column)
- full length column background colours
- no images
- no JavaScript
- resizable text compatible
- no quirks mode (XML declaration to display correctly in older versions of IE is not required)
- no IE conditional comments
- high browser compatibility
- valid XHTML 1.0 strict
- valid CSS 2.1
- Better graphics (css)
- Better images (from the gnome theme image set)
- Fixed a lot of minor code bugs
References for SlimGnewsense
The SlimGnewsense theme is now also available at the official theme’s page of the SLiM (Simple Login Manager) project website.
More, the artwork section of the gNewSense website has now a page about SlimGnewsense.
SlimGnewsense (a SLiM theme for gNewSense)
I have developed SlimGnewsense a quite simple and light SLiM theme for gNewSense (a fully free GNU/Linux distribution).
SLiM (Simple Login Manager) is a desktop-independent graphical login manager for X. It aims to be light and simple, although completely configurable through themes and an option file; is suitable for machines with low hardware resources and/or machines on which remote login functionalities are not needed.
The SlimGnewsense 1.1 theme is available at the SlimGnewSense downloads page of this site.
The SlimGnewsense theme consists of:
- a configuration file (config.theme), released under the GNU GPLv3 license;
- a background image (background.png) with the gNewSense logo, released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license;
- a panel (login) image (panel.png), released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license.
To install the SlimGnewsense 1.1 theme:
download the compressed theme file and unpack it (you will have a slim-gnewsense-1.1 folder):
$ wget href="http://bitfreedom.noblogs.org/files/2010/08/slim-gnewsense-1.1.tar.bz2 $ tar -jxvf slim-gnewsense-1.1.tar.bz2
move the theme folder to the SLiM’s themes folder:
$ sudo mv slim-gnewsense-1.1 /usr/share/slim/themes
edit the SLiM configuration file (/etc/slim.conf) the way to set the current-theme option row to:
current-theme slim-gnewsense-1.1
Welcome here!
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